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Results for "epoxy-adhesive"

Your search for "epoxy-adhesive" was found in 1 product line, 3 products, and 3 industries.

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Epoxy Adhesive, High Strength

Epoxy Adhesive - Fortis AD822

Fortis AD822 Epoxy Adhesive. Two-Part high Strength Solvent Free Epoxy Adhesive that is easy to mix and apply.

Epoxy Resin, Ultra Clear

Epoxy Resin - Fortis 822 Ultra Clear Casting Resin

Fortis 822 Ultra Clear is casting resin for crystal clear, high gloss casting applications.

Epoxy Knot Filler

Knot Filler

Epoxy resin system for filling knots, holes, cracks and other imperfections in rough sawn, dressed or recycled timber.

Product Lines

Epoxy Adhesive & Casting Resin

Epoxy Adhesives & Resins

When a superior bond strength is required Fortis recommend the use of Epoxy systems.


Our adhesives and coatings are suitable for a wide range of applications, spanning residential, commercial, and civil projects.

Our range of Industrial Construction products makes repairing and protecting concrete simple

Which adhesive is best for Woodworking? PVA, Polyurethane or Epoxy glue. Ask us today.