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Results for "polished-concrete"

Your search for "polished-concrete" was found in 1 product line, 5 products, 2 industries, and 1 page.

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Concrete Polishing Densifier

Concrete Shield™ Densifier

Concrete Shield™ Densifier is a ready to use, potassium and lithium silicate blend used to polish, harden, and seal green or aged concrete. The solution penetrates concrete to react and produce a...

Concrete Polishing Grout

Concrete Shield™ Grout 1000

Concrete Shield™ Grout 1000 is a high-performance grout for use with polished concrete and terrazzo floors.

Concrete Polishing Premium Lithium Densifier

Concrete Shield™ Premium Lithium Densifier

Concrete Shield™ Premium Lithium Densifier is a high performance Nano Lithium Silicate solution with penetration additives for premium polished concrete floor. The nano particle Concrete Shield™...

Penetrating Sealer - Wet Look

Concrete Shield™ Wet Look Enhancer

Concrete Shield™ Wet Look Enhancer is ready to use penetrating water and oil repellent based on blended fluorinated polymers in a non-flammable solvent. It has an unusual property in that it dries...

Penetrating Sealer - Natural

Concrete Shield™ Natural Look Enhancer

Concrete Shield™ Natural Look Enhancer is ready to use penetrating water and oil repellent based on blended polymers in a non-flammable solvent. It penetrates deeply and reduces capillary absorbency...


Concrete Sealing, Polishing & Staining


Unprotected Concrete such as driveways, pavers, and floors can be easily damaged, with the most common causes including water damage and unwanted staining, as well as general wear and tear. Once the …

Product Lines

Concrete Densifier and Grout

Concrete Densifiers

Premium Polished Concrete Floors in a fraction of the time.


Our adhesives and coatings are suitable for a wide range of applications, spanning residential, commercial, and civil projects.

Our range of Industrial Construction products makes repairing and protecting concrete simple