FORTIS Golf Grip no-wrinkle Rubber Cement.
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FORTIS GOLF GRIP RUBBER CEMENT is a medium viscosity solvent-based adhesive specifically formulated for the replacement and gluing of golf grips. The final bond line remains soft and flexible, allowing the grip and adhesive to be easily removed during future replacement of golf grips.
Rubber Cement
Long-lasting flexible bond line Easy removal for replacement grips No Wrinkle Fast tack
Conforms to ASTM D4236
Truck, Bus & RV, Automotive & Marine, Industrial & Mining, Craft & Hobby, Shop Fit Out
For glueing golf grips, a one-way wet stick method is recommended. Remove existing grip, grip tape or previous adhesive. Ensure the shaft surface is clean, free from dust, oil and other materials. Apply GOLF GRIP with a brush to the section of the shaft to be covered by the golf grip. Plug the butt end of the new grip and pour small quantity of solvent into grip. Shake well to coat inside of grip and pour out excess solvent onto glued shaft. Place the new grip over the top of the shaft and massage it into place. Ensure that there are no air bubbles in the grip. Allow about 4 hours for the adhesive to dry. Final bond strength is achieved in 24 hours.
GOLF GRIP can also be used as a general-purpose contact adhesive for art and craft applications. Fortis recommend that applicators carry out their adhesion test on their particular substrate before application. GOLF GRIP should not be applied at temperatures below 10°C.
Ensure the bonded surface is clean and free from dust, oil, and other foreign materials. Metal surfaces should be degreased with suitable solvent.
250ml, 500ml, 4L
Fortis Golf Grip - Technical Data Sheet
Fortis Golf Grip - Safety Data Sheet AUS GHS